Best Practices for Working With the NLG Platform

The platform allows great freedom with regard to the design of projects, the handling of data, and the use of language and grammar. This allows you to design your projects with a high degree of customization, depending on the size of the projects, number of languages, or text length, for example. However, some approaches work better than others for certain fields of application. Therefore, you can see examples that have solved certain problems in a exemplary way.

Preparing your Data for Multi-Language Projects

Description of this project: Description of the problem (What hurts?): Problem solved (What's better now?) Description of the approach (How to )

Clean Project

Description of this project: Problem solved: Description of the approach:

Projekt trennen (Kategorien oder Einleitungstext)

Description of this project: Problem solved: one monolithic project is nearly not maintainable. Description of the approach:

Meta-Description / Meta-Title

Description of this project: Problem solved: Description of the approach: