
This section summarizes the most common functions and patterns in ATML3 and briefly explains how formulas work.

When can I use it? A good time to get the cheatsheet ready is when you start first project of your own.

Short description: You use the following formulas by adding them to a new condition or mapping node. Each formula results in an object - that means, you can also nest it inside each other.

Check whether a text appears in an input parameter

"theText" in #parametername

Check whether a text appears in exactly the same way in a list

contains("derText", #parametername)

Note: here #parametername is a list

Check whether a number is in a field

#theDataField == 0

Check whether a number is greater or less than a certain value

#parametername > 0
#parametername < 0

Count list items


Note: #parametername is a list

List multiple values or vocabulary

Create a group node and configure it in a group container

Filtering certain elements by numerical value from a list

filter(#parametername, [x -> numeric(#x) != 2])

Filtering certain elements by text value from a list

filter(#parametername, [x -> str(#x) != "theText"])


Addition+#param1 + #param2
Subtraction-#param1 - #param2
Multiplication*#param1 * #param2
Division/#param1 / #param2
Modulo%#param1 % #param2

Note: The results of these operators are always numbers.


This section summarizes the most common grammatical concepts and how they are used in the AX Semantics Text Engine. All of them are configured in the text containers (either in the write section or in phrase nodes/lookups). They might need preparation in the transform section as well (i.e. when you need a numeric value for the numeral variable.)

Determiner/Article Types

  • definite (def) de: der/die/das en: the
  • indefinite (indef) de: ein/eine/ein en: a/an
  • demonstrative (demonstrative) de: dieser/diese/dieses en: this

Case Types

  • nominative (nom) de: “Der Hund” en: “The dog”
  • dative (dat) de: "Ich gebe dem Hund seinen Ball.” en: “I give the ball to the dog.”
  • accusative (akk) de: “Ich sehe den Hund.” en: “I see the dog.”
  • genitive (gen) de: “Das Spielzeug des Hundes” en: “The dog’s toy.”

Pronoun Types

  • personal (personal) de: er/sie/es
  • demonstrative (demonstrative) de: dieser/diese en: this
  • demonstrative2 (demonstrative2) de: der/die/das en: which
  • which (which) de: welcher/welche en: which

Preposition Types

  • mit / with
  • zu / to
  • nach / to
  • in / in ...

Numerus Types

  • singular (singular) de: Schiff en: ship
  • plural (plural) de: Schiffe en: ships

Numerals Types

  • cardinal (cardinal) de: eins/zwei/drei/zwölf/… en: one/two/three/twelve/...
  • ordinal (ordinal) de: erster/zweiter/dritter/zwölfter/vierundzwanzigste en: first/second/third/twelfth/twenty-fourth