ML-powered Suggestions – Transforming Your Writing Process with GPT

We're delighted to introduce the latest enhancements designed to elevate your content creation experience. Two ML-powered features that amplify your creativity and efficiency and seamlessly integrate into your workflow inside the NLG Cockpit are now available in open beta:
Statement Suggestions and Alternative Text Suggestions.

Statement Suggestions: Unlock Your Creativity

Tired of hitting that creative roadblock? Introducing Statement Suggestions - your ultimate muse for generating seamless text. Whether you're writing about the latest fashion trends, high-tech gadgets, or must-have home decor, our ML-powered suggestions propose the perfect follow-up statement based on your existing text together with your variables. With Statement Suggestions, you'll breeze through your content creation process and produce impactful, engaging text effortlessly. Combine Statement Suggestions with our existing Container Suggestions feature to create highly dynamic content in no time.

Alternative Text Suggestions: Enhance Your Variability

Say goodbye to text monotony! We're thrilled to introduce the all-new Alternative Text Suggestions feature. Writing is all about options, and now you have up to 10 alternatives at your fingertips for any selected text. Through our inline toolbar you can generate creative variations for your chosen text, instantly expanding your horizons. With just a click, you can create branches for each alternative, allowing you to explore multiple avenues and uncover the perfect fit for your content. Simply select any plain text, click the button, and choose your favorite alternatives.

Getting Started is Simple

Just login and enable ML-powered Suggestions in your Advanced Settingsopen in new window. Then, you're ready to go! You'll see the new features in the Writer, where you can start using them right away.

ML-powered suggestions are currently available for the following languages: Catalan (ca-ES), Chinese (zh-), Croatian (hr-), Danish (da-DK), Dutch (nl-), English (en-), Finnish (fi-FI), French (fr-), German (de-), Greek (el-GR), Italian (it-IT), Japanese (ja-JP), Korean (ko-KO), Latin (la-VA), Lithuanian (lt-LT), Macedonian (mk-MK), Norwegian Bokmål (nb-NO), Polish (pl-PL), Portuguese (pt-), Romanian (ro-RO), Russian (ru-RU), Serbian (sr-RS), Slovenian (sl-SI), Spanish (es-), Swedish (sv-SE), Ukrainian (uk-UA).

Based on GPT

Both our new ML-powered features are backed by OpenAI's GPT API, one of the most advanced large language models available today. The GPT API lets us generate text based on your project's active test object, variables and the text you have already written. This means that the suggestions you get are tailored to your project and the text you have already written. In contrast to ChatGPT, OpenAI will not use API data to train OpenAI models (see their API data usage policiesopen in new window). Should you still not want us to send your project data to OpenAI, you can opt-out of OpenAI or deepL features per project in your project settings.

Opt-out for external ML services

Send us your Feedback

We're continuously improving our ML-powered suggestions, and getting feedback from you would help us a lot to provide better suggestions. Let us know via our support chat or your customer success agent.

We're looking forward to your feedback!